Listing of links of mine, plus search engine sites

History of the Martin-Baker MB5 Airplane Favorite links of mine John's Story Random Pix My Family and Relatives Reno Air Races John at work What's New Guest Book My Photos

Why don't you list your website

The following is a list useful links that I have compiled. If you wish to be added to this list, please send me an e-mail.

Favorite Sites

Everything you need to know about upcoming events at the races; dates, tickets, parking, how to reach them, plus many interesting articles about past air races.

Pacific Flyer is a 28 year old monthly aviation tabloid produced in Southern California with a decidedly different perspective on aviation and aviation publishing.

iPilot is the pilot's guide to everything he will need in the area of flying, classifieds, catalog, flight planning and a wide range of other topics. Try them out!!!

AAFO is a great site for all the aviation news, pictures and other fine websites.

One of the best aviation-related websites on the 'net. All kinds of inormation about up-coming air shows for this  year and 2008. Lots of pictures, both aviation and personal.

More Favorite Sites Plus Search Engines

One of the most visited hubs on the Internet, reaching one out of every two Web users.
With over half a million sites, divided into more than 25,000 categories, Yahoo! is both browseable and searchable.
You know us as the most ambitious search engines on the internet.
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